Speechwriting & Presentations
There are no ‘naturals’ at giving great speeches or presentations. There are just those who put in the time and preparation to appear natural and who win the ovations.
Ok. Of course ideas matter. So do the stories and how you connect with the audience. You’ve got to answer ‘So what?’ to just about every statement you make, which is all about creating meaning.
And you have to get the right balance of seriousness and playfulness. If you don’t enjoy yourself, your audience won’t either.
You may not have the time that Steve Jobs does to create an awesome presentation. The rule of thumb?: Steve’s is 90 hours for an hour’s presentation. I put in 1 hour for every minute you need to speak, but you have to put in some time as well. We work as a team!
“How did I get on? I was damn good. The CEO came up later and told me so.”
Head of Sales & Marketing, Insurance company